高 巍.提升科技报告内容质量探讨[J].中国科技资源导刊,2016,(5):69~75
Discussion on Improving the Content Quality of Scientific and Technical Report
中文关键词: 提升质量;科技报告;内容质量;科技报告质量;山东省
英文关键词: promote, scientific and technical report (S&T report), content quality, quality of scientific and technical report, Shandong province
基金项目:2016 年山东省重点研发计划(软科学部分)“科技报告质量控制研究——以山东省为例”(2016RKB02002)
高 巍 山东省科学技术情报研究院,山东济南 250101 
摘要点击次数: 1721
全文下载次数: 1545
      科技报告完整而真实地反映科研活动过程和结果的技术内容和经验教训,其数量、质量可以反映科研项目 完成质量与创新程度,也能反映项目承担人员的科研能力与水平。本文通过对科技报告内在价值、山东省科技报告质 量现状、影响科技报告质量各种构成因素的分析,从开展培训、建章立制、省市联动、搭建平台、强化“内功”、责任 到人等方面阐述了山东省提升科技报告质量的措施与效果,从加强宣传、明确“双报告”差异、奖惩并用、加大撰写培 训、保障措施等方面提出了提升科技报告内在质量的建议。
      The scientific and technical report is a complete and true reflection of the process and results of scientific research activities and the results of the technical content and lessons learned, the scientific and technical report's quantity and quality can reflect the quality and innovation of the research project, and also can reflect the scientific research ability and the level of the project staff. Through the analysis on the scientific and technical report intrinsic value, Shandong Province S&T report quality status, influence scientific and technical report quality all components, from training, policy making, linkage of provinces and cities, set up an exchange platform, strengthen internal learning, responsibility to specific people, expounds the Shandong Province improve the measures and effects of the scientific and technical report quality. Then, from strengthening propaganda, clear "double reporting" differences, rewards and punishment, and strengthen writing training, safeguard measures and other aspects on how to improve the inherent quality of the scientific and technical report.
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