何世伟 葛慧丽 严 伟 俞云峰.浙江省实施创新券政策推动科技资源开放共享的实证研究——以科学仪器设备为例[J].中国科技资源导刊,2019,51(3):24~28,34
An Empirical Study on the Promotion of Open and Sharing Scientific and—Taking Scientific Instuments for Example
中文关键词: 创新券;开放共享;科技资源;大型科学仪器;面板数据
英文关键词: innovation voucher, opening and sharing, scientific and technical resources, large scientific
何世伟 葛慧丽 严 伟 俞云峰 浙江省科技信息研究院,浙江杭州 310006 
摘要点击次数: 2097
全文下载次数: 1624
      为促进中小微企业的创新活动,浙江省采取创新券措施推动科技资源的开放共享,并取得了积极的政策效 应。文章采用2015 年10月至2018 年5月浙江省11个市创新券发放及科技资源开放共享的面板数据,运用面板数据模型 分析浙江省创新券对科技资源开放共享的影响,提出扩大科技资源开放共享资源覆盖面、推动长三角地区“创新券”通 用通兑、加强激活高校院所大型科学仪器存量资源的政策引导、引入社会资本参与科技资源开放共享运行和加强政府 激励与监管效应等政策建议。
      Zhejiang government has adopted Innovation Vouchers policy to promote the opening and sharing of scientific and technical resources and micro, small and medium enterprises innovation, which has achieved positive policy response. Based on the panel data of Innovation Vouchers issued by 11 cities in Zhejiang Province from October 2015 to May 2018 and its data panel model, this paper analyzes the impact of Innovation Vouchers on the opening and sharing of scientific and technical resources in Zhejiang Province. Besides, it proposes to expand the coverage of opening and sharing resources of scientific and technical resources and promote the policy of universal currency of Innovation Vouchers in Yangtze River Delta region to boost regional development. Some policy suggestions are put forward, such as policy guidance to activate the stock resources of large-scale scientific instruments in colleges and universities, introduction of social capital to participate in the opening and sharing of scientific and technical resources, and strengthening the effect of government incentives and supervision.
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