王 宏 周育忠 石嘉豪.基于区间数的企业科技报告质量评价与优选模型研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2020,(3):26~30,48
Research on Optimization Model of Enterprise Technical Reports Based on Interval Values
中文关键词: 科技报告;优选;区间数;目标规划;风险态度因子
英文关键词: technical reports, optimization, interval values, goal programming, risk attitude factor
基金项目:2017 年南方电网公司技术研究服务专项“公司科技报告体系建设与报告共享服务模型研究”(ZBKJXM20170100)。
王 宏 周育忠 石嘉豪 (南方电网科学研究院,广东广州 510663) 
摘要点击次数: 1078
全文下载次数: 724
      定期开展企业科技报告质量后评价与评优对提升企业科技报告质量和企业科技创新能力都具有重要作用。 然而,以往的质量评价指标值和指标权重一般都是确定值,无疑增加了专家评价的难度,而且具有很强的主观性。本 文提出一种基于区间数的企业科技报告质量评价与优选模型:首先构建企业科技报告质量评价指标体系,并利用比重 变换法对区间数形式的质量评价矩阵进行规范化;然后建立一个线性目标规划模型来求解最优权重;最后引入风险态 度因子进行排序。该模型能够更加客观地描述科技报告评优过程,无论是指标值还是指标权重都只需要专家给出大致 的区间,降低专家评价的难度,使得评价结果更加可靠合理。
      Regularly conducting the quality evaluation and optimization to enterprise technical reports is important in improving the quality of enterprise technical reports and the ability of enterprise technological innovation capability. However, the previous quality evaluation indexes and index weights are generally determined values, which are very subjective and will increase the difficulty of expert evaluations undoubtedly. A quality evaluation and optimization model of enterprise technical reports based on interval values is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the quality evaluation index system for enterprise technical reports is established, and the specific gravity method is used to normalize the interval quality evaluation matrix. Then a linear goal programming model is established to solve the optimal weight. Finally, based on the risk attitude factors, the comprehensive evaluation value of the interval numbers is sorted. The model proposed in this paper can describe the evaluation process of enterprise technical reports more objectively, and it only needs experts to give a rough interval for both index values and index weights, which can significantly reduce the difficulty of expert evaluations and make the evaluation results more reliable and reasonable.
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