杜廷霞 1 王贤慧 1 闫 峰 1 周 斌 2.山东省高校研发资源评价研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2020,(3):41~48
Research on the Evaluation of R&D Activities in Universities of Shandong Province
中文关键词: 高校;研发活动;科技资源;研发资源配置;绩效评价;聚类分析;数据包络分析;评价指标体系
英文关键词: colleges and universities, R&D activities, scientific and technical resources, R&D resources allocation, performance evaluation, cluster analysis, DEA, evaluation index system
杜廷霞 1 王贤慧 1 闫 峰 1 周 斌 2 (1.山东省科技统计分析研究中心,山东济南 250101; 2.山东电力设备有限公司,山东济南 250101) 
摘要点击次数: 1031
全文下载次数: 703
      高校研发活动评价研究不仅反映其科技资源的配置现状,更能体现高校的科技管理水平。借助2011—2017 年全国31个省区市高校研发活动数据,重点分析山东省高校研发活动现状,运用聚类分析法将全国31个省区市分类, 用数据包络分析法对山东省高校研发活动有效性进行绩效研究。研究发现:山东省高校科技资源配置与全国先进省份 差距不大,但资源有效利用率偏低导致产出不足是当前的最大问题。山东省高校在合理增加研发活动资源的同时,需 要进一步完善资源管理体制,优化资源配置结构,适度调整研发活动规模,加强科技项目评价,加快科技成果转化。
      The evaluation of research and development (R&D) activities in universities can not only reflect the allocation of scientific and technical resources but also reflect the level of management in colleges and universities. Based on the data of R&D activities in 31 provinces in China from 2011 to 2017, this paper firstly analyzes the status quo of R&D activities in Shandong universities, then uses cluster analysis to divide 31 provinces into groups. Finally the effectiveness of R&D was studied quantitatively by DEA method. It turns out, there is little difference on the resources allocation of R&D activities between Shandong province and the advanced provinces in China, and the shortage of output caused by the low utilization of resources is the biggest problem in Shandong. So universities in Shandong should increase the resources of R&D activities, simultaneously improve the resource management system for R&D activities, optimize the resource allocation structure, adjust the scale of R&D activities appropriately, strengthen project evaluation and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technical achievements.
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