王 勇.基于影响评价方法的 政府资助研发活动绩效评估实证研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2021,(5):26~32
基于影响评价方法的 政府资助研发活动绩效评估实证研究
Development of the Performance Evaluation Empirical Study for GovernmentFunded R&D Based on an Impact Assessment Approach
中文关键词: 科技政策;政府资助研发活动;科技评估;影响评价;科技管理研究
英文关键词: S&T policy, government funded R&D, S&T evaluation, impact assessment,S&T management research
王 勇 (广东省技术经济研究发展中心,广东广州 510070) 
摘要点击次数: 951
全文下载次数: 942
      影响评价是将成效归因于干预的一种评价理论,其正在成为研发资助活动评估的重要工具。随着政治体制 改革和科技体制改革进入深水区,对政府或公共支出资助研发活动开展绩效评估已经成为政府部门的一项重要职能。 本文梳理和总结国际上对政府资助研发活动影响现有的评价方法、实践和经验,分析科技创新影响评价方法在政府资 助研发活动绩效评估中应用的可行性和适用条件,以广州开发区国际科技合作专项为例展开实证研究,以期为评估科 技创新活动,特别是国际科技创新合作的效果和影响提供参考借鉴。
      Impact evaluation is an evaluation theory that attributes effectiveness to intervention, which is becoming an important tool for the evaluation of R&D funding activities. With the reform of the political system and the S&T system, performance evaluation for government or public expenditure funded R&D has become an important function of the government. This paper summarizes the existing international evaluation methodologies, practices and experiences on government-funded R&D. Analyzing the feasibility and applicable conditions of the application of STI impact assessment methods in the performance evaluation for governmentfunded R&D, taking the Guangzhou Development Zone International S&T Cooperation Program as an example to carry out empirical research, in order to provide a basis and reference for evaluating the effects and impacts of STI activities, especially international STI collaboration.
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