戴 杨 甘水玲 祝融融.卓越全球城市定位下外国人才来沪工作的 管理体系设计研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2021,(5):95~102
卓越全球城市定位下外国人才来沪工作的 管理体系设计研究
Research on a Management System for Foreign Talents Working in Shanghaiagainst the Positioning of an Excellent Global City
中文关键词: 外国人才;外国人才来华工作;管理体系;全球城市;海外引智;人才资源
英文关键词: foreign talents, foreign talents working in China, management system, global city, introduction of overseas, intellectual resources
基金项目:上海市2020 年度“科技创新行动计划”软科学重点支持项目“上海科技创新人才国际化现状及对策研究——面向 2035 卓越全球城市定位下外国人才来沪工作体系构建研究”(2069210700)。
戴 杨 甘水玲 祝融融 (上海市研发公共服务平台管理中心,上海 200235) 
摘要点击次数: 929
全文下载次数: 609
      上海对于吸引外国人才已具备较好的环境和优势,但对标卓越的全球城市建设还存在一些问题:外国人才 数量尚有较大缺口、人才结构存在薄弱性环节、海外引才渠道不够畅通且模式单一等。因此,在分析外国人才来沪工 作的管理现状与问题的基础上,提出“外国人才来沪工作的管理体系”的设计构想以及实施建议,以期能够进一步优化 外国人才来沪工作发展环境,促进外国人来沪工作“数字化转型”,为上海建成卓越的全球城市贡献国际化人才资源。
      Shanghai is equipped with a favorable environment and advantages for attracting foreign talents. However, there are still some shortages in benchmarking excellent global cities, such as a limited number of foreign talents, an unsound talent structure, inadequate channels and models for introducing overseas talents. Therefore, this paper proposes a management system for foreign talents working in Shanghai by clarifying what it is and how to build and implement it, so as to further optimize the work environment for foreign talents, and promote“digital transformation”and contribute international talent resources to building Shanghai into an excellent global city in the near future.
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