王育晓 1,2,3 郭依函 1.科技创新政策研究概况、热点演变与理论脉络 ——基于CSSCI(1998—2019)的文献计量[J].中国科技资源导刊,2021,(6):12~21
科技创新政策研究概况、热点演变与理论脉络 ——基于CSSCI(1998—2019)的文献计量
A Review, Hot Spot Evolution and Theory Development of the Research on Scientific and Technical Innovation Policy—Based on the Bibliometrics of CSSCI (1998-2019)
中文关键词: 科技创新;创新政策;热点演变;理论脉络;文献计量
英文关键词: scientific and technical innovation, innovation policy, hot spot evolution, theory development, bibliometrics
王育晓 1,2,3 郭依函 1 (1.西安工业大学经济管理学院,陕西西安 710021;2.陕西省兵工科技创新发展软科学研究基地, 陕西西安 710021;3.陕西高校军民融合科技创新研究中心,陕西西安 710021) 
摘要点击次数: 1734
全文下载次数: 2290
      在创新驱动发展上升为国家战略,创新成为引领社会发展第一动力的背景下,系统梳理中国科技创新政策 理论研究进展,对中国科技创新政策实践发展具有重要意义。本文基于CSSCI数据库1998—2019年的相关文献数据, 运用统计分析法、文献计量法与文献研究法,对科技创新政策研究概况、热点演变与理论脉络进行研究,探讨科技创 新政策的未来发展方向。研究显示:通过对发文数量、期刊分布与研究机构分布特征的概况分析,发现中国科技创新 政策研究整体呈现逐年增加的趋势,已形成稳定且高质量的期刊群,研究机构主要集中在科研院所和高等学校的经济 管理学院或公共管理学院或商学院;通过对关键词共现和突现、关键词战略图的分析,发现中国科技创新政策研究热 点呈现随科技创新实践发展而动态演变的特征;通过对文献共被引的知识脉络分析,发现中国科技创新政策主要围绕 科技创新政策的依据、政策工具、政策目标及评估和政策演变等知识脉络展开,并随着创新政策理论历经使命导向、 扩散导向、系统导向与系统转型导向4个范式的演变,中国科技创新政策经历了“科技创新政策1.0”“科技创新政策 2.0”“科技创新政策3.0”的发展与转变。
      Under the background that innovation-driven development has become a national strategy and innovation has become the first driving force leading social development, a systematic review of the theoretical research progress of China’s scientific and technical innovation policy is of great significance to the practical development of China’s scientific and technical innovation policy. Based on the literature data of scientific andtechnical innovation policy in CSSCI database from 1998 to 2019, this paper uses the methods of statistical analysis, bibliometrics and literature research, firstly, through the general analysis of the number of published articles, the distribution of periodicals and the distribution characteristics of research institutions, it is found that the overall trend of scientific and technical innovation policy research in China is increasing year by year, and a stable and high-quality periodical group has been formed. Research institutions are mainly concentrated in scientific research institutes and universities’ schools of economics and management or schools of public administration or business schools. Secondly, based on the analysis of keyword co-occurrence and emergence, and keyword strategy map, it is found that the hot spot of scientific and technical innovation policy research in China is characterized by dynamic evolution with the development of scientific and technical innovation practice. Then, based on the analysis of the knowledge context co-cited in the literature, it is found that China’s scientific and technical innovation policy mainly focuses on the knowledge context of scientific and technical innovation policy basis, policy tools, policy objectives, evaluation and policy evolution; as the innovation policy theory goes through the evolution of mission orientation, diffusion orientation, system orientation and system transformation orientation, the scientific and technical innovation policy in China has experienced the development and transformation of “Scientific and Technical Innovation Policy 1.0”, “Scientific and Technical Innovation Policy 2.0” and“Scientific and Technical Innovation Policy 3.0”
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