胡允银 1 袁科峰 1 张汝斌 2 江雨璐 3 邓 艺 4.基于BSC-AHP的产业创新服务综合体绩效评价研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2022,(3):66~76
Research on Performance Evaluation of Service Complex for the Industrial Innovation Based on BSC-AHP Model
中文关键词: 产业创新服务综合体;平衡记分卡;绩效评价;绩效评价体系;层次分析法
英文关键词: Service Complex for the Industrial Innovation, balanced scorecard, performance evaluation, Performance evaluation system, Analytic Hierarchy Process
基金项目:福建省社科基金项目“双循环新发展格局下福建农林企业优势知识产权培育研究”(fj2021B029);福建省科技厅创新 战略项目“产业创新服务综合体育龙头企业互动发展:机理与机制”(2021R0132);宁德师范学院校立项目“知识产权伦理风险生成 机理及治理机制研究”(2021Y07)。
胡允银 1 袁科峰 1 张汝斌 2 江雨璐 3 邓 艺 4 (1.宁德师范学院经管学院,福建宁德 352106;2.云南省科学技术院,云南昆明 650228;3.云南省 通信产业服务有限公司,云南昆明 650051;4.云南省科学技术情报研究院,云南昆明 650051) 
摘要点击次数: 1682
全文下载次数: 969
      探寻构建产业创新服务综合体运行绩效的科学评价指标体系,为有效评价提供保障。分析产业创新服务综 合体的属性特征,进而论证将平衡记分卡引入其绩效评价中的合理性。吸纳已有产业创新公共服务平台绩效评价指标 设计中有益成分,提出基于平衡记分卡(SBC)原理的产业创新服务综合体绩效评价指标体系。结合层次分析法(AHP) 设置计算各个评价指标的权重,并对浙江省台州市黄岩区模塑产业创新服务综合体绩效进行实证评价。实证研究表 明,经过4年建设,产业创新服务综合体绩效基本达到合格等级,但在高级别创新资源集聚、与龙头企业互动耦合创新 发展、突破产业关键核心技术难题等关键绩效指标上还有较大提升空间。
      To explore and construct a scientific evaluation index system for the operation performance of industrial innovation service complex, so as to provide a guarantee for effective evaluation. By analyzing the attribute characteristics of industrial innovation service complex, the rationality of introducing BSC into its performance evaluation is demonstrated. Absorb the existing performance evaluation index of industry innovation public service platform in the design of useful components, the design principle based on BSC industry innovation service synthesis performance evaluation index system, and combining with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and calculate the weight of each evaluation index. The performance of innovation service complexof Taizhou Huangyan District, Zhejiang Province molding industry was evaluated empirically. The research results show that after 4 years of construction, the performance of industrial innovation service complex has basically reached the qualified level, but there is still much room for improvement in key performance indicators such as high-level innovation resource aggregation, interactive and coupled innovation development with leading enterprises, and breakthrough of key and core technological problems of the industry.
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