Kinematics analysis and simulation study of an archwire bending robot
中文关键词: 几何理论, 弓丝弯制机器人, 李群李代数, 运动建模, 仿真分析
英文关键词: geometric theory, archwire bending robot, Lie group and Lie algebras, motion modeling, simulation analysis
张永德 哈尔滨理工大学智能机械研究所 
蒋济雄 哈尔滨理工大学智能机械研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3266
全文下载次数: 2277
      To meet the requirements of high pose accuracy and quick response of an archwire bending robot, a kinematic analysis method based on the geometric theory was proposed. Through establishing the coordinate system in the geometric space of the robot, the position equation consisting of the first three joints and the stance equation composed of the last three joints were studied based on Lie group and Lie algebras. The dynamical equation of the archwire bending robot was established and the torque of the motor was calculated when the robot was moving along a specified path. The kinematics and dynamics simulation model of the position joint of the archwire bending robot was set up based on MATLAB. And then the model was adopted to track a curve of archwire used in orthodontic treatment. The simulation result shows that the trajectory can be traced wonderfully and accurate joint angles and joint torques can be obtained quickly. In addition to that, guidelines were provided to develop the controller for archwire bending robots.
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