杨乐* **,李萌* **,叶欣宇* **,孙恩昌* **,张延华* **.融合边缘计算与区块链的工业互联网资源优化配置研究[J].高技术通讯(中文),2020,30(12):1253~1263
中文关键词: 工业互联网; 区块链; 深度强化学习(DRL); 移动边缘计算(MEC); 资源分配
英文关键词: industrial Internet, blockchain, deep reinforcement learning (DRL), mobile edge computing (MEC), resource allocation
杨乐* **  
李萌* **  
叶欣宇* **  
孙恩昌* **  
张延华* **  
摘要点击次数: 2356
全文下载次数: 1570
      Industrial Internet has emerged with the developments of various communication technologies. However, the requirement of data security and privacy in industrial Internet has brought unprecedented challenges to traditional architecture. As one of the promising technologies, blockchain has been applied into industrial Internet systems. Nevertheless, there are still some problems to be solved in blockchain-enabled industrial Internet systems, i.e. unbearable energy consumption for computation tasks, poor efficiency of consensus mechanism in blockchain, serious computation overheads of network systems. To handle the above issues and challenges, this paper integrates mobile edge computing (MEC) and blockchain into the industrial Internet systems to promote the computation capability of devices and improve the efficiency of consensus process. Meanwhile, the energy consumption and the computation overheads are jointly considered. Thus, a resource allocation optimization framework for blockchain-enabled industrial Internet systems is proposed to decrease energy consumption in devices and computation overheads of system. The optimization problem is formulated as a Markov decision process (MDP), and offloading decision, block size as well as computing server can be dynamically adjusted and selected. Accordingly, due to high-dynamic and large-dimensional characteristics of the system, the deep reinforcement learning is introduced to solve the formulated problem. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can improve system performance significantly compared with other existing schemes.
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