Dynamic obstacle avoidance for manipulator based on trajectory prediction and improved artificial potential field method
DOI:10. 3772/ j. issn. 1002-0470. 2023. 09. 005
中文关键词: 轨迹预测; 改进人工势场法; 动态避障; 路径规划
英文关键词: trajectory prediction, improved artificial potential field method, dynamic obstacle avoidance, path planning
吴芳 (浙江工业大学信息工程学院杭州 310023) 
摘要点击次数: 984
全文下载次数: 778
      In the human machine coexistence environment, humans may become dynamic obstacles in the task execution of the robot. Therefore, dynamic obstacle avoidance planning is required in the movement of the robot, so as to prevent the robot from endangering the safety of users. The traditional artificial potential field method computes the resultant force according to the virtual attractive force and repulsive force, then the robot moves in the direction of resultant force. However, when the attractive force and repulsive force have the same length, but in opposite directions, there is a local minimum problem. To solve this problem, an improved artificial potential field method based on position sampling is proposed in this paper. After calculating the resultant force, sample are taken anti clockwise and clockwise at angular intervals on a plane perpendicular to the ground and containing the resultant force, and then the attractive force and repulsive force of each sampling point are calculated. The optimal movement of the robot is determined according to the minimum sum of attractive force and repulsive force. Secondly, in order to deal with the peak point in the robot motion path caused by user motion, according to the correlation between user arm motion and head pose, the next pose of arm is predicted according to the user’s head pose and the current motion information of the arm. Finally, a dynamic obstacle avoidance planning algorithm of manipulator based on trajectory prediction and improved artificial potential field method is proposed. The experimental results show that this algorithm can effectively avoid dynamic obstacles, and the planned path is smooth and short.
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