FPGA-based accelerator by software-hardware co-design for multi Hash join
DOI:10. 3772/ j. issn. 1002-0470. 2023. 11. 001
中文关键词: 现场可编程门阵列(FPGA); 多表连接; 哈希连接; 软硬件协同
英文关键词: field programmable gate array(FPGA), multi-table join, Hash join, hardware-software co-design
吴婧雅 (处理器芯片全国重点实验室(中国科学院计算技术研究所)北京 100190) 
摘要点击次数: 645
全文下载次数: 529
      It is hard to implement multi-table Hash join on hardware accelerators. On one hand, multi-table join has an indefinite number of tables and various connection modes. The flexibility in multi-table Hash join is in contradiction with fixed hardware architectures. On the other hand, the capacity of intermediate results expands with the number of tables increasing. The capability of data management and monitoring asks for higher hardware overhead. To enable flexible and efficient multi-table Hash join, a software-hardware co-optimization methodology is proposed. Software subsystem abstracts multi-table Hash join into forward and reverse computation modes, and agilely organizes Hash join processes. Additionally, the memory access and computing are collaboratively optimized in hardware design. A regular hardware Hash table is designed to improve memory bandwidth. Meanwhile, a homogeneous computing engine is designed to perform both forward and reverse computation. To further improve the efficiency of Hash join, multi data channels and an instruction control system are configured. The experiment results showed that a single computing engine could improve the performance of multi-table Hash join 9.2-11.0 times higher than contral processing unit (CPU). Furthermore, the 8-way parallel multi-table Hash join engines could make full use of DDR bandwidth resources and get 71.1 times performance of CPU.
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