Research on location performance of three-dimensional beamforming sound source based on cross spectrum method
DOI:10. 3772 / j. issn. 1002-0470. 2024. 12. 005
中文关键词: 声学; 阵列信号处理; 声源定位; 麦克风阵列; CSM-B; CSM-EF
英文关键词: acoustics, array signal processing, sound source localization, microphone array, CSM-B, CSM-EF
黄信圣* (*浙江工业大学化工过程机械研究所杭州 310023) (**浙江省机电设计研究院杭州 310051) (***东南大学机械工程学院南京 211189) 
摘要点击次数: 200
全文下载次数: 318
      In recent years, acoustic microphone array and its related signal processing technology have been widely used in sound source localization. Among them, the beamforming-based acoustic imaging method (BBAI) can realize the three-dimensional imaging of the noise source on the two-dimensional planar array, and identify the depth of the noise source. However, based on the planar microphone array, it is objectively found that the pseudosound source appears exactly similar in the depth direction of the array. In addition, there are obvious problems of large mainlobe width and low spatial resolution (especially in the depth direction) in three-dimensional sound source imaging based on traditional beamforming algorithm. In this paper, two beamforming-based acoustic imaging algorithms——beamforming-based acoustic imaging method based cross spectrum method (CSM-B), and error function based cross spectrum method (CSM-EF) combined with cross spectrum method are proposed based on BBAI, and the performance of CSM-B and CSM-EF in mainlobe width and total running time is compared by three-dimensional cone shape array (CSA) and two-dimensional slice wheel array (SWA). The three algorithms are evaluated theoretically by testing the monopole sound source and experimentally in a full anechoic chamber. The results show that compared with the two-dimensional slice wheel array, the three-dimensional cone shape array can effectively reduce the width of the main lobe, especially in the specific depth range of the sound source. In addition, from the perspective of the three algorithms, CSM-EF can effectively solve the problem of sound source location with large mainlobe width and large number of side lobes at the cost of large calculation time, and provide the best three dimensional sound source imaging map with the best effect.
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