Subject Analysis of Block-chain Technology Research in the Field of Chinese Library, Information Science and Archives Science Based on Knowledge Graph
中文关键词: 区块链技术;知识图谱;图情档;主题社区
英文关键词: Block-chain technology; Knowledge graph; Library information science and archives science; Theme community
胡安琪 苏州科技大学图书馆 苏州 215009 
摘要点击次数: 958
全文下载次数: 1247
      [ 目的 / 意义 ] 区块链作为数字时代具有代表性的一项新兴技术,对推动产业变革和改变社会管理模式具有重要意义,分析我国图情档领域区块链技术的主题分布有利于进一步推动和深化我国区块链技术的理论与应用研究。[ 方法/ 过程 ] 文章以中国知网收录的 2018-2022 年图情档领域区块链技术研究的中文文献为分析对象,采用知识图谱和可视化分析方法对图情档领域区块链技术研究现状和主题热点进行梳理。[ 局限 ] 文章以中国知网收录的文献数据作为分析对象,缺乏对国外数据库文献的调研,在分析对象上不够全面。[ 结果 / 结论 ] 研究发现,我国图情档领域区块链技术研究热度呈现逐年上升趋势,并形成了核心作者群,但研究机构分布较为分散,研究质量和学术创新力还有待提升,目前主要在数字档案资源共享、电子档案、电子文件可信认证与安全管理、元宇宙、图书馆数字资源共建共享与版权管理、智慧图书馆与智慧服务等 5 个方面开展理论与应用研究。最后文章提出了一些建议,包括,注重跨学科和多元视角的区块链技术研究,紧密结合政策开展有应用价值的区块链技术研究以及结合研究热点探索新兴主题研究领域。
      [Objective/Significance] As a representative emerging technology in the digital era, block-chain has great significance in promoting industrial transformation and changing social management models. Analyzing the thematic distribution of blockchain technology in the field of library, information science and archives science in China is conducive to further promoting and deepening the theoretical and applied research of block-chain technology in China. [Methods/Processes] This article takes the Chinese literature on block-chain technology research in the field of library, information science and archives science in 2018-2022 collected by CNKI as the analysis object and uses knowledge graph and visual analysis method to carding research status and topic hotspots of block-chain technology in the field of library, information science and archives science. [Limitations] The article takes literature data from CNKI as the analysis object, lacking research on foreign database literature, so the analysis object is not comprehensive enough. [Results/Conclusions] The study finds that the heat of block-chain technology research in the field of library, information science and archives science is rising year by year, the research has formed a core group of authors, research institutions are scattered, research quality and academic innovation need to be improved, and research topics are mainly distributed in digital archives resource sharing, credible authentication and security management of electronic archives and electronic documents, meta-verse, co-construction and co-sharing of library digital resources and copyright management, smart library and smart service. Finally, the article puts forward some suggestions, including focusing on interdisciplinary and diverse perspectives of block-chain technology research, conducting applied value block-chain technology research closely in conjunction with policies and exploring emerging thematic research fields by combining research hotspots.
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