Multi-Year Program Plan of Bioenergy Technologies Research in the U.S. and Its Management Measures
中文关键词: 美国;生物能源;研发计划;管理措施
英文关键词: U.S.;bioenergy;research and development plan;management measures
杜艳艳 中国科学技术信息研究所 
石家惠 中国科学技术信息研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2653
全文下载次数: 3079
      2013 年 5 月,美国生物能源技术办公室(BETO)公布了生物能源技术研发的《五年计划草案》 (MYPP)。该草案阐明了 BETO 的结构与重点研究领域,确定了该办公室未来 5 年中的研究、开发、示范和部署(RDD&D)活动。RDD&D 活动的主要目标是实现到 2022 年达到年产 360 亿加仑可再生交通燃料,从而降低美国对化石燃料的依赖,减少运输行业温室气体(GHG)的排放;主要任务是通过拟行的研究、开发、示范和部署活动,开发可再生生物质资源,并将之转变成商业上可行的高性能生物燃料、生物制品和生物电力。分析美国发展生物能源技术研发的框架、主要内容和管理措施,以期为我国相关部门制定生物能源发展政策提供参考和借鉴。
      The U.S. Bioenergy Technologies Office announced the Multi-Year Program Plan (MYPP), a research and development draft in the bioenergy technology field in May 2013. The draft clarifies the structure and key research fields of U.S. Bioenergy Technology Office, and determines the research, development, demonstration and deployment (RDD&D) activities of the office in the next five years. The main objective of RDD&D activities is to achieve the goal of an annual output of 36 billion gallons of renewable transportation fuels by 2022, in order to reduce the U.S.’s dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the transport sector in U.S. The main task is to develop renewable biomass resources through the proposed research, development, demonstration and deployment activities, and to transform those resources into commercially viable high-performance bio-fuels, bio-products and bio-electricity. The paper analyzes the framework, main content and management measures of the U.S. bioenergy technology research and development, which is worthwhile to be shared by the Chinese counterparts to formulate the bioenergy development policy.
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