Implementation of EU Directive on Cross-border Healthcare and Its best Practices
中文关键词: 欧盟;医疗权利指令;跨境医疗;医药卫生体制
英文关键词: EU;directive on patients’ rights;cross-border healthcare;healthcare system
聂建刚 国家卫生和计划生育委员会国际合作司 
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      提升欧盟成员国卫生体系的协同效应,解决共同面临的健康挑战,是欧盟卫生体系一体化发展的重要目标。2013 年 10 月,欧盟所有成员国通过了《患者跨境医疗权利指令》的法律,并在全欧盟范围内正式生效并实施。该指令针对患者的权利做了一些调整,扩大了医疗服务范围,提出了报销原则、成员国职责和创新性措施,如,建立国家联系点,改善各国电子医疗系统,促进各国卫生技术评估,促进各国医疗产品使用和处方的互认,以及促进开发和建立欧洲参考网络等。该指令旨在通过促进成员国合作组织和提供医疗服务,为欧盟公民提供安全、高质的跨境医疗服务。中国与欧盟社会管理体系虽然不同,但该法令在立法过程、实施原则和具体措施等方面,对我国正在实施的医药卫生体制改革有所借鉴。
      The EU is striving for the integrated health services by promoting the coordination of the healthcare service systems among the EU member states and responding to the common health challenges. By October 2013, all of the member states have ratified the Directive on the Application of Patients’ Rights in Cross-border Healthcare, which took effect officially across the EU states thereafter. The Directive adjusts some rights of patients, broadens the scope of health services, and provides the principles for reimbursement, the responsibilities of the member states, and some innovative measures including establishing national focal points, improving the e-health systems, strengthening health technology assessment, promoting mutual recognition of the medical prescriptions and application of medical products, as well as establishing the European Reference Networks, etc. The directive aims at providing safe and quality cross-border healthcare services to the EU citizens by promoting the coordination and collaboration in healthcare services organization and provision among the EU member states. Although the social management systems remain different between China and the EU, the legislative procedures, implementation principles and measures of the EU directive can be taken as mirrors for the on-going health reform in China.
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