刘 艳.从对历史数据的量化分析看中美两国研发支出的社会经济效益[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2019,34(8):12~22,33
The Social and Economic Benefits of R&D Expenditure in China and in the United States From the Quantitative Analysis of Historical Data
投稿时间:2019-07-30  修订日期:2019-07-30
中文关键词: 研发支出;高技术出口;专利申请;科技期刊论文
英文关键词: R&D expenditure; high-technology exports; patent applications; S&T journal articles
刘 艳  
摘要点击次数: 2150
全文下载次数: 1594
      It becomes more and more important to quantitativelyanalyzethe performance of rapidly increasing R&D expenditure both in China and in USA. This article chose patent applications (residents), scientific and technical journal articles and high-technology exports as three output parameters to measure the social and economic benefits of R&D expenditure. At the same time, it chose R&D expenditure and several other relative parameters as inputs to measure a country’s R&D investment.This article drew following conclusions after analyzing historical data from 1953 to 2016. First, there was a causal relationship between the inputs and the outputs, which meant R&D expenditure had direct social and economic benefits. Second, R&D expenditure 5 years ago had a strong linear relationship with patent applications (residents), basic research expenditure 4 years ago had a strong linear relationship with scientific and technical journal articles, R&D expenditure 6 years ago had a strong linear relationship with high-technology exports, which meant R&D expenditure (including basic research expenditure) took a long time to make the most benefits. In the end, this article offered two suggestions for policy makers. First, it is necessary for policy makers to have a long-term view and have determinations to invest R&D in advance and have patience to wait them make the most impact after 4 to 6 years. Second, it is necessary for policy makers to pay attention not only on the amount of R&D expenditure but also on its structure and allocate more resources on basic research expenditure.
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