涂 平.巴西科技发展委员会科研项目经费管理的经验与启示[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2020,35(8):31~35
Experience and Enlightenment of Scientific Research Project Funds Management of Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
中文关键词: 巴西;巴西科技发展委员会;科研项目经费管理;科研管理技术平台
英文关键词: Brazil; Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development; scientific research project funds management; scientific research management technology platform
涂 平  
摘要点击次数: 2327
全文下载次数: 1607
      Brazil is one of the countries with the strongest scientific and technological strength in Latin America, and the funds management of scientific research projects has its unique features. With the increasingly close scientific and technological cooperation and exchange between China and Brazil, the research and analysis of Brazil’s scientific and technological project funds management mode and successful experience will play an important role in improving China’s scientific and technological management ability. This paper introduces the functions of the Brazilian scientific research management technology platform, analyzes the methods of scientific research project funds management, and puts forward some policy suggestions to improve the scientific research management in China: implementing cross department management and coordinating scientific and technological work; implementing the network management of scientific research project funds; strengthening the construction of scientific research management technology information platform; improving the system of scientific independent research funds management by scientific researchers; improving the management mechanism of the scientific research funds in a moderate way, etc.
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