张新民,戴 乐,王 璐,潘 尧,马 峥.希腊科技创新现状分析及中希合作展望[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2021,36(10):1~7,27
Review of Science, Technology and Innovation in Greece and Outlook of Sino-Greece Cooperation
中文关键词: 希腊;科技创新;科技投入与产出;国际合作
英文关键词: Greece; science, technology and innovation (STI); STI input and output; international cooperation
戴 乐  
王 璐  
潘 尧  
马 峥  
摘要点击次数: 1799
全文下载次数: 1766
      This paper introduces Greece’s national science, technology and innovation (STI) system, and its policies, performance and characteristics, then analyzes the potential of Sino-Greece bilateral cooperation in terms of STI, explores the entry points of bilateral cooperation, and finally puts forward some suggestions for future Sino-Greece STI cooperation. The research indicates that Greece is a small EU country whose economic size and competitiveness, scientific and technological strength and innovation performance cannot be compared with the world’s major innovative countries and key small innovative countries, its geographical location, resource endowment, economic and industrial structure, and STI are unique and highly complementary to China in terms of resources, production capacity, markets and other economic factors. Moreover, Greece has a good foundation and good performance in economic development and STI. Both sides have great potential and opportunity for STI cooperation. It is recommended that on the base of previous good cooperation, together with STI policy orientation, advantageous industries and characteristic research fields of both sides, China should further strengthen macro-coordination, optimize the joint funding mechanism, strengthen industry docking, and innovate cooperation mechanisms, so as to further strengthen and deepen STI cooperation between China and Greece.
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