樊 昕,闫 宵,胡 弢,时 涛.山东省科技创新综合评价体系研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2022,(4):63~71
Research on Comprehensive Evaluation System of Scientific and Technological Innovation in Shandong Province
中文关键词: 山东;科技创新;综合评价体系;空间自相关分析
英文关键词: Shandong Province; scientific and technological innovation; comprehensive evaluation system; spatial autocorrelation analysis
基金项目:全国统计科学研究项目“科技型中小企业成长发展能力评价及预测研究”(2015538);泰安市科技创新智库课题“利用科       技信息资源服务工业企业科技创新的调研报告”(2017008)。
樊 昕  
闫 宵  
胡 弢  
时 涛  
摘要点击次数: 952
全文下载次数: 710
      By analyzing the current situation of scientific and technological innovation level in various cities of Shandong Province, this paper provides a reference for the scientific evaluation of the effectiveness and shortcomings of the construction of innovative provinces. This paper constructs a “comprehensive evaluation index system of scientific and technological innovation” from three aspects: innovation resources, innovation environment and innovation performance, and calculates the total index of scientific and technological innovation in various cities. This paper uses spatial autocorrelation analysis method to evaluate the spatial distribution pattern of scientific and technological innovation level in Shandong Province. The results show that Jiaodong economic circle leads the province, but there are still some problems, such as insufficient R & D investment of the whole society, and the ability of independent innovation needs to be strengthened. The central cities of the provincial capital economic circle and Lunan Economic Circle are not prominent enough, and some cities in Lunan are large but not strong. Finally some suggestions to make up for the shortcomings, strengthen the center and seek breakthroughs to boost innovation driven development are proposed.
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