丁明磊,黄 宁.美国利用联盟体系遏制我国科技发展的影响 与对策研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2022,(5):1~6
美国利用联盟体系遏制我国科技发展的影响 与对策研究
Research on the Influence and Countermeasures of the US Using the Alliance System to Contain the Science and Technology Development of China
中文关键词: 中美战略博弈;技术联盟;联盟体系;遏制战略
英文关键词: Sino-US strategic game; technology alliance; alliance system; containment strategy
黄 宁  
摘要点击次数: 1422
全文下载次数: 2080
      Alliance is an important part of the US science and technology (S&T) containment strategy against China. At present, the US is building an alliance system to suppress S&T in China. On one hand, it prevents the transfer of advanced technology to China through technology blockade alliance; on the other hand, it tries to marginalize China through technology innovation cooperation alliance. Compared with the technology alliance in history, the coverage, technology field and jurisdiction of the current alliance are more comprehensive and targeted. But objectively speaking, the alliance strategy of the US has its own limitations, and its development is facing many constraints and challenges. In this regard, China should strive for the strategic initiative from the perspective of protracted war, strive for self-reliance and and self-improvement in S&T, and at the same time speed up the expansion of S&T “circle of friends”, improve the level of innovation ability and open cooperation, so as to resolve and offset the blockade effect of the US alliance system on China’s S&T.
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