王大伟,孟 浩,曾 文,郑 佳.“双碳”视角下欧美日绿色发展战略研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2022,(5):61~66,76
Research on Green Development Strategy of the EU, US and Japan from the Perspective of Carbon Peak and Neutrality
中文关键词: 欧盟;美国;日本;绿色发展战略;碳达峰、碳中和;清洁能源
英文关键词: EU; US; Japan; green development strategy; carbon peak, carbon neutrality; clean energy
基金项目:中信所创新研究基金青年项目“基于新一代信息技术的数字化转型脱碳机制研究”(QN2022-22);中信所重点工作项目“碳 达峰碳中和监测分析与预测研究”(ZD2022-18)
孟 浩  
曾 文  
郑 佳  
摘要点击次数: 988
全文下载次数: 609
      The European Union, the United States and Japan, as the main beneficiaries of the two industrial revolutions, have already peaked carbon dioxide emissions and carried out top-level design and early layout in carbon-neutral strategic. This paper sorts out the green development strategies of the EU, US and Japan, and analyzes their strategies orientation and layout. The EU incorporates the green strategy into the legal system through policy integration. The US has experienced policy fluctuations after the change of government, but the green actions of state governments have never changed. Japan has formed a detailed industrial development roadmap to build a “zero-carbon society” through clean electrification. Finally, based on the green strategies of the EU, US and Japan, and the progress of China’s energy revolution, relevant suggestions are put forward to provide decision-making support for China to achieve carbon neutrality.
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