刘亚丽,王 璐.新时代中欧科技合作态势分析 ——基于科技论文的研究视角[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2022,37(7):21~28,47
新时代中欧科技合作态势分析 ——基于科技论文的研究视角
Analysis of China-Europe Science and Technology Cooperation in the New Era: Based on the Data of Scientific Papers
中文关键词: 欧洲;科技合作;国际合作;科技论文
英文关键词: Europe; science and technology cooperation; international cooperation; scientific papers
王 璐  
摘要点击次数: 755
全文下载次数: 1139
      本文基于科技论文的研究视角,采用科学计量学方法构建分析指标,深度分析 2012-2020年中欧科技合作态势。首先,本文将欧洲视为整体对比分析北美、亚太与中国科技合作态势;其次,将欧洲国家划分为四种不同类型的国家类型,把每种类型的国家视为一个整体,分析该类型国家与中国科技合作态势;最后,研究德国等重点国家与中国科技合作表现。研究发现,中欧科技合作亲密度呈增长态势;中欧合作可以有效提高论文质量;从合作领域看,中欧科技合作主要分布在材料科学、环境科学等领域;欧洲重点国家与中国合作存在较大差异,中德的科技论文合著数量显著高于中意和中俄的合著数量,但中德科技合著的增长态势低于中意。
      Based on the data of scientific papers, this paper adopts the scientometrics method to construct analysis indicators, and deeply analyzes the situation of China-Europe science and technology cooperation from 2012 to 2020. First, it takes the European countries as a whole and conducts a comparative analysis of the science and technology cooperation situation of Europe, North America, and Asia-pacific regions with China’s. Second, European countries are divided into four different types of countries, and each type of countries is regarded as a whole to analyze the situation of science and technology cooperation with China. Finally, the paper studies the situation of the science and technology cooperation of Germany and other key countries with China. The research finds that the closeness of China-Europe science and technology cooperation is increasing; China-Europe cooperation can effectively improve the quality of cooperation papers; from the perspective of cooperation areas, most research papers in China-Europe science and technology cooperation are mainly distributed in materials science, environmental science and other fields; the number of cooperation papers between China and Germany is significantly higher than that between China and Italy and Russia, but the growth trend of China and Germany cooperation is lower than that between China and Italy.
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