龚 晨,田贵超.美国信息技术与创新基金会 2021年研究述评与启示[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2022,37(7):51~58
美国信息技术与创新基金会 2021年研究述评与启示
Review and Enlightenment of the Research of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation in 2021
中文关键词: 美国;科技创新;创新经济;国际合作;智库;ITIF
英文关键词: the U.S.; scientific and technological innovation; innovative economy; international cooperation; think tank ; ITIF
基金项目:上海市软科学研究计划项目“全球科技创新智库动态跟踪研究”(20692118800)、“全球科技创新观察及前沿热点专题研究” (21692114500)。
龚 晨  
摘要点击次数: 788
全文下载次数: 899
      名列全球科技智库第一位的美国信息技术与创新基金会(ITIF)以创新经济和公共政策的研究见长。2021年,ITIF发布了九十多篇与创新有关的研究报告,涉及中美科技竞争、科技创新政策、高新技术产业和前沿科技发展治理、可持续发展、反垄断与知识产权等多个热点议题。本文系统梳理分析了 ITIF在各个议题上的主要研究成果和观点并做出针对性评析。尽管 ITIF作为美国智库,对中国的创新发展持有一定的偏见,但它对于美国自身科技创新的现状、关键技术领域的竞争态势以及全球数字经济发展趋势、可持续发展等问题的分析和判断仍较为全面深入,研究视角涵盖科技创新和经济发展的各个层面,具有一定的启示和借鉴意义。
      The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF, U.S. non-profit public policy think tank), which ranks first in the Global Science and Technology Think Tank Index, is good at the research of innovative economy and public policy. In 2021, ITIF released more than 90 research reports related to innovation, involving many hot topics such as Sino-U.S. S&T competition, S&T innovation policy, high-tech industry and cutting-edge S&T development governance, sustainable development, antitrust and intellectual property rights. This paper systematically combs and analyzes ITIF’s research results and main viewpoints on various topics and makes targeted comments and analysis. Although, as an American think tank, ITIF holds a certain prejudice against China’s innovation and development, it still makes a comprehensive and in-depth analysis and judgment on American current situation of scientific and technological innovation, the competitive situation in key technology fields, the development trend of global digital economy and sustainable development. Its research perspective covers all levels of scientific and technological innovation and economic development, which has certain enlightenment and reference significance.
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