刘鑫怡,司伟攀,晏 奇.论“负责任的人工智能”理念下全球企业治理[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2023,38(2):60~66,76
Global Companies Governance Mechanism on ResponsibleArtificial Intelligence
中文关键词: 人工智能;负责任;伦理规范;治理
英文关键词: artificial intelligence; responsible; ethical norms; governance
基金项目:项目来源:科技创新 2030—“新一代人工智能”重大项目(2020AAA0105301);中国科学技术信息研究所创新研究基金青年项目“人       工智能企业落实伦理规范的机制研究”(QN2022-18)。
晏 奇  
摘要点击次数: 1000
全文下载次数: 934
      目前全球已发布多个人工智能伦理规范,将“负责任的人工智能”设定为核心发展目标。 企业在人工智能基础研究、技术研发和治理体系构建中发挥着重要作用,是落实“负责任的人工 智能”关键主体,但这一理念表述抽象,难以指导企业的日常实践工作。当前企业人工智能治理 也面临成本与收益不匹配、组织架构不完备等问题,阻碍治理目标的实现。“负责任的人工智能” 是推进人工智能各环节活动的一种伦理治理机制,与环境、社会及公司治理(ESG)的企业社会 责任理念密切相关,要求在人工智能全生命周期活动中形成“政府监管—行业服务—企业自律— 公众参与”的协同治理网络,以人工智能融合环境、社会及公司治理(AI+ESG)理念作为企业 人工智能伦理治理核心,将人工智能伦理原则转化为有效的实践规则,并根据不同类型企业的特 征分别采取渐进式或重构式的治理模式,承担共同但有区别的人工智能治理责任。
      At present, a number of ethical norms of artificial intelligence (AI) have been issued around the world, and “responsible AI” has been set as the core development goal. Companies play an important role in AI basic theory research, technology research and development and governance system construction, becoming the key subject to implement “responsible AI”. However, the term of “responsible AI” is abstract, and it is difficult to guide the daily practice of companies. AI governance of companies also faces some problems such as the mismatch between cost and benefit, incomplete organizational structure, etc., which hinder the realization of governance. “Responsible AI” is an ethical governance mechanism to promote all aspects of AI activities, which is closely related to the corporate social responsibility concept of “environment, society and corporate governance” (ESG). It requires a collaborative governance network of “government supervision-industry service-enterprise self - discipline-public participation” to be formed in the whole life cycle activities of AI. It takes “AI+ESG” as the core of AI ethical governance of companies, and transforms AI ethical principles into effective and responsible practice rules. According to different types and characteristics, companies adopt progressive or reconfigurable governance models, and undertake common but differentiated AI governance responsibilities.
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