秦阿宁,孙玉玲.碳捕集、利用与封存国际研发态势 及应用比较研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2023,38(4):68~76
碳捕集、利用与封存国际研发态势 及应用比较研究
Comparative Study of International R&D Trend andApplication of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
中文关键词: 碳捕集、利用与封存;研发态势;文献计量;CCUS 全流程商业项目
英文关键词: carbon capture, utilization and storage; R&D trend; bibliometric; commercial full-chain CCUS project
基金项目:中国科学院发展规划局文献情报能力建设专项“‘双碳’科技战略与政策情报研究”(E1290428);中国科学院发展规划       局文献情报能力建设专项“低碳科技战略情报决策信息产品建设”(E2290437)。
摘要点击次数: 847
全文下载次数: 1572
      碳捕集、利用和封存(CCUS)技术作为应对气候变化和实现碳中和的一项重要技术选择,已 在全球主要国家和国际组织范围内达成共识。梳理和对比分析了主要国家 CCUS 技术研发部署、基 于专利的竞争态势以及 CCUS 全流程商业项目。研究结果表明,美国、英国和日本通过制定多项顶层 战略规划以明确 CCUS 技术发展愿景和目标,而中国在 CCUS 技术领域的顶层统筹规划和系统部 署方面有待进一步加强。全球 CCUS 技术专利申请数量呈现不断增长趋势,在碳中和目标驱动下,预 计未来将会迎来新一轮增长。中国、美国和日本是全球 CCUS 技术专利的主要来源国,CCUS 技术专 利布局以碳捕集和 CO 2 转化利用为主。CCUS 全流程商业项目应用行业范围不断扩大,美国、英国等 主要国家在项目数量、捕集能力和应用行业范围等方面领先全球。最后提出中国面向碳中和目标发展 CCUS 技术的建议。
      Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), as an important technology option to address climate change and achieve carbon neutrality, has reached a global consensus among major countries in the world and international organizations. This paper reviews and analyzes the R&D deployment, patent-based competition trend, commercial full-chain CCUS projects in major countries. The research results show that: (a) The United States, the United Kingdom and Japan have formulated multiple top-level strategic plans to clarify the vision and objectives of CCUS technology development, while the top-level overall planning and system deployment in the field of CCUS technology need to be further strengthened in China. (b) The number of global CCUS technology patent applications shows a growing trend, and is expected to usher in a new round of growth in the future under the background of carbon neutrality target. (c) China, the United States and Japan are the main source countries of global CCUS technology patents. CO 2 capture and CO 2 utilization technologies are the main patent application. (d) The range of application industries for commercial full-chain CCUS projects is expanding, and the United States and the United Kingdom lead the world in the number of projects, capture capacity and application industries. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the development of CCUS technology at the backgroud of carbon neutrality target in China.
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