郄海拓,张志娟,何 潇.中国科技创新政策的发展阶段与重点变迁研究——基于 1999—2022年的政策文本分析[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2023,(5):9~20
中国科技创新政策的发展阶段与重点变迁研究——基于 1999—2022年的政策文本分析
Development Stage and Key Changes of China’s Science and Technology Innovation Policies: Based on China’s Science and Technology Innovation Policies from 1999 to 2022
中文关键词: 科技创新政策;文本挖掘;政策变迁;政策发展阶段
英文关键词: science and technology innovation policy; text mining; policy change; policy development stage
何 潇  
摘要点击次数: 1075
全文下载次数: 461
      为明确中国1999—2022年国家级科技创新政策重点变迁情况,将政策划分为 3个阶段,分别是 1999—2005年的改革发展期、2006—2011年的自主创新探索期和 2012—2022年的创新驱动期。然后运用文本挖掘工具分析这 3个阶段的科技创新政策,对其高频词、语义网络图、点度中心度和网络中心势以及小团体进行比较研究,最后总结了中国科技创新政策在不同发展阶段的重点变迁情况。在第一阶段,中国科技创新政策注重有序管理,此时创新、技术和企业并未得到重视;在第二阶段,围绕科技、创新和企业的服务逐渐得到重视,资源也开始向科技、创新和企业集聚,自主创新的探索势头向好;在第三阶段,创新更加受到重视,研发一词首次出现,同时研究和科研的重要性均有所提升,可见本阶段重视创新的应用,呈现创新驱动特征。
      In order to make clear the key changes of China’s science and technology innovation policies from 1999 to 2022, this research divided the policies into three stages; they were the period of reform and development from 1999 to 2005, the period of independent innovation exploration from 2006 to 2011 and the innovation-driven period from 2012 to 2022. Then the research used the text mining tool to analyze the science and technology innovation policies of China in the three periods.This research made a comparative study on the high frequency words, semantic network graph, degree centrality, network centrality and small groups. Finally, the research summarized the key changes of science and technology innovation policies of China in different stages. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: in the first stage, the national science and technology innovation policy of China was focused on orderly management, while the innovation, technology and enterprises were not taken seriously. In the second stage, the services about science and technology, innovation and enterprises came to be valued gradually, and the resources were also beginning to gather to science and technology, innovation and enterprises, and the exploration momentum of independent innovation was gaining momentum. In the third stage, more attention had been paid to innovation, and the importance of scientific research and research had increased. In addition, research and development showed up. It could be seen that the innovation motive force at this stage is sufficient. The characteristics of this period was innovation-driven.
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