李岚春,陈 伟.俄乌冲突背景下欧洲能源危机态势、应对及对中国的启示[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2023,(5):56~64
Key Points and Response of the European Energy Crisis Under the Escalation of Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Its enlightenment to China
中文关键词: 欧洲;俄乌冲突;能源战略;能源安全
英文关键词: Europe; Russia-Ukraine conflict; energy strategy; energy security
基金项目:中国科学院 A类战略性先导科技专项“变革性洁净能源关键技术与示范”(XDA21010103);中国科学院战略研究与决策 支持系统建设专项课题“双碳行动计划战略研究”(GHJ-ZLZX-2023-06);中国科学院轻型动力创新研究院创新引导基金项目重点基金“工程热物理科技发展战略规划研究”(CXYJJ21-MS-01)。
陈 伟  
摘要点击次数: 831
全文下载次数: 1509
      The continuous escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has triggered the sanctions and countermeasures on energy trade between Russia and Europe. The European radical policy of leaving Russia has suffered from an unprecedented energy crisis, with prominent contradictions in energy supply, cost, energy strategy, internal trust, etc. In the short term, Europe’s energy emergency supply protection measures will not stop the fermentation of risks, while long-term energy policies will accelerate the transformation of the international energy pattern. In the face of major global energy changes, which present both opportunities and challenges, China should thoroughly implement the concept of energy security in the new era and always give top priority to ensuring secure and reliable energy supply. Based on the basic national conditions, China should accelerate the development of a new energy system and promote cross-sector integrated demonstrations, fully leverage the role of coal as a backstop, establish a diversified, stable and independent oil and gas supply system, promote the development of clean energy technologies and industries in an orderly manner, and coordinate scientific and technological responses to energy security.
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