王 亮,田贵超,龚 晨,项欢欢.“一带一路”倡议下中国江苏与中东欧国家科技创新合作的基础条件与对策研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2023,(5):65~71
Fundamentals and Strategies of Technology Innovation Collaboration Between Jiangsu Province in China and the Central and Eastern European Countries Under the Belt and Road Initiative
中文关键词: 江苏省;中东欧国家;“一带一路”;国际科技合作
英文关键词: Jiangsu Province; the CEECs; Belt and Road Initiative; international scientific and technological
王 亮  
龚 晨  
摘要点击次数: 582
全文下载次数: 525
      中国与中东欧国家之间的合作历史悠久,有效地推动了“一带一路”倡议更好地融入欧洲经济圈。江苏省地处“一带一路”的交汇点,拥有较为完善的工业体系和对外科技创新合作基础,中欧班列的运行进一步促进了江苏省与中东欧国家之间的互联互通。然而,与不断增加的经贸合作相比,双方在科技合作和交流方面的活跃度亟须提高。因此,在“一带一路”倡议下,从中国与中东欧国家之间的合作入手,梳理了江苏省与中东欧国家科技创新合作的现状和挑战,并提出了有针对性的建议,以期推动双方在科技创新领域的务实合作。关键词:中图分类号:文献标识码:A DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1009-8623.2023.05.008
      The longstanding cooperation between China and the Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) has effectively facilitated the integration of the Belt and Road Initiative into the European economic framework. Jiangsu Province, located at the intersection of the Belt and Road, boasts a well-developed industrial system and a solid foundation for international technology innovation collaboration. The operation of the China-Europe Railway Express further enhances connectivity between Jiangsu Province in China and the CEECs. However, compared to the increasing economic and trade cooperation, it is urgently needed to enhance the level of activity in technology collaboration and exchange between the two sides. Therefore, within the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, this paper explores the cooperation between China and the CEECs, examining the current state and challenges of technology innovation collaboration between Jiangsu Province in China and its counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe. It also presents targeted recommendations to promote practical collaboration in the field of technology innovation, with the aim of advancing mutually beneficial cooperation.
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