“Soft Law” Mechanism of International CollaborativeSupervision of Artificial Intelligence
中文关键词: 人工智能;国际协同监管;“软法”治理;治理范式;标准
英文关键词: artificial intelligence; collaborative supervision; “soft law” governance; mixed governance;standards
基金项目:陕西省社学科学界联合会 2023 年度“奋进中国式现代化新征程、谱写陕西高质量发展新篇章”重点智库研究项目“陕西省 营商环境创新示范区法律保障机制研究”(2023ZD1042);陕西省教育厅2022年度重点科研计划项目(协同创新中心项目)“通 用航空数字贸易平台发展与创新的法律保障机制研究”(22JY064);西北政法大学涉外法治研究专项课题“跨境电商平台 国际法律治理机制研究”(SWFZ2023B03)。
摘要点击次数: 616
全文下载次数: 623
      国际社会日益复杂化、动态化和智能化,人工智能国际秩序势必更加注重“软法”的基础作用, “软 法”治理将是塑造秩序的关键维度,“软法”机制将是塑造秩序的关键着力点。人工智能技术是当代最引 人注目的科技革新,其兴起将深刻影响全球人工智能的协同治理。国际地缘政治局势与新兴科技竞争策 略的共振叠加效应不断加剧,缺乏有效人工智能治理机制已经带来严重风险,主要体现在治理理念的“价 值共识”不足、“软法”与“硬法”的衔接不畅以及国际标准规制的竞争与碎片化等方面。“软法”机制为全 球人工智能的协同治理提供了思维范式的革新,包括从坚持以“价值共识凝聚”为指引、开展“软硬并济” 的混合治理机制以及探索人工智能标准的互动协调机制等方面促进人工智能“软法”机制的良性运作, 试图在国际地缘政治与科技竞争策略之间寻求平衡,希冀实现全球人工智能治理的协同融合发展。
      Nowadays, with the international community gradually becoming more complex, dynamic and intelligent, the international order of artificial intelligence will inevitably pay more attention to the fundamental role of “soft law”. The “soft law” governance will be the key dimension of shaping the order, and the “soft law” mechanism will be the key focus of shaping the order. Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence technology is the most striking scientific and technological innovation of our time, and its rise will profoundly affect the collaborative governance of global artificial intelligence. Throughout the world, the resonance and superposition effect of the international geopolitical situation and emerging science and technology competition strategy has been intensifying, and the lack of an effective AI governance mechanism has already brought serious risks. This is mainly reflected in the lack of “value consensus” in the concept of governance, the poor connection between “soft law” and “hard law”, and the competition and fragmentation of international standard regulation. In other words, the “soft law” mechanism provides a paradigm innovation for global AI governance, including adhering to the guidance of “value consensus cohesion”, carrying out the “hard and soft” hybrid governance mechanism, and exploring the interaction and coordination mechanism of AI standards in order to promote the benign operation of the “soft law” mechanism of AI, attempting to seek a balance between international geopolitics and scientific and technological competition strategies, and hoping to realize the synergistic integration of global AI governance.
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