宋雨奇,周小林,任孝平,杨 云,孟繁超.香港科技创新发展现状、问题与挑战研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2023,38(10):1~14,26
Research of the Status, Problems and Challenges of Hong Kong’sScience and Technology Innovation Development
中文关键词: 香港;国际创新科技中心;科技创新
英文关键词: Hong Kong; international center for technology and innovation; science and technology innovation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金专项项目“基础研究国际合作跨境数据管理研究” (L2124029)。
杨 云  
摘要点击次数: 572
全文下载次数: 1216
      系统梳理了2017年以来香港推动科技创新的重大举措,并利用各类统计数据定量分析了香港 科技创新发展的现状,选择典型科技统计指标与数据同内地进行对比。研究发现,香港特别行政区政 府持续完善科技创新发展顶层设计和长远规划,科创相关的政策举措逐年增多,综合竞争力具有显著 的国际优势。然而,香港的研发投入尤其是企业研发投入严重不足,本地研发人员规模整体偏小,产 业结构单一,创新产能不足,加之美国等西方国家对华的遏制打压,严重制约了香港的科创发展,同时 香港在与内地合作、融入国家科技创新体系方面有待进一步加强。面向未来,香港应更加主动对接国家 发展战略,建长板、补短板,加速融入国家科技创新体系,加快国际创新科技中心建设。
      This paper systematically reviews the major measures taken by Hong Kong to promote S&T innovation since 2017, uses various statistical data to quantitatively analyze the current situation of Hong Kong’s S&T innovation, and selects typical technological statistical indicators and data to compare with to Chinese mainland. It’s found that the Hong Kong SAR government continues to improve the top-level design and long- term plan for S&T innovation, and moreover, its policies related to S&T innovation have increased year by year. In addition, Hong Kong’s comprehensive competitiveness has a significant international advantage. However, Hong Kong’s R&D investment, especially the enterprise R&D investment, is seriously insufficient; the overall scale of local R&D personnel is relatively small; the industrial structure is single; and the innovation capacity is insufficient. The United States and other Western countries’ containment and suppression of China seriously restrict the development of S&T innovation in Hong Kong. At the same time, the cooperation of Hong Kong with the Chinese mainland, and its integration into the national science and technology innovation system need to be further strengthened. Facing the future, Hong Kong should take more initiative to align with the national development strategy, strengthen advantages, address inadequacies and accelerate its integration into the national S&T innovation system, and thereby accelerate the building of international center for technology and innovation.
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