薛美慧.发展型都市圈产业创新的现实基础、制约因素 与政策建议— 以广东省珠西都市圈为例[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2023,38(10):41~50,66
发展型都市圈产业创新的现实基础、制约因素 与政策建议— 以广东省珠西都市圈为例
Practical Foundation, Constraints and Policy Suggestions forIndustrial Innovation in Developmental Metropolitan Areas:Take the GuangDong Province Zhuxi Metropolitan Area as anExample
中文关键词: 发展型都市圈;产业创新;高质量发展;珠西都市圈
英文关键词: developmental metropolitan area; industrial innovation; high-quality development; Zhuxi metropolitan area
基金项目:国家高端智库重点研究课题“科技创新支撑扩大内需的重大推进措施研究”(ZXZK202304);科技部研究专项“面向科技 强国建设的科技能力体系化构建与提升路径研究”(KJQG202202)。
摘要点击次数: 445
全文下载次数: 500
      发展型都市圈是中国新时期经济发展重要的空间组织形态,产业创新是推动其高质量发展的主 要驱动因素。以广东省珠西都市圈为切入点,分析其产业创新的现实基础与制约因素,通过对国际典型 都市圈产业科技创新路径开展研究,从制定顶层设计规划、构建都市圈创新共同体、建立跨边界产业合 作区、主动对接国家重大区域战略、优化优质交通供给、加强生态一体化规划建设 6 个方面总结经验, 从而提出中国发展型都市圈提升产业创新的可行举措。
      The developmental metropolitan area is an important spatial organization form of China’s economic development in the new era, and industrial innovation is the main driving factor to promote its high-quality development. Based on the features of the Guangdong province Zhuxi metropolitan area, this paper analyses the realistic basis and limitations facing its industrial innovation. The study investigates the industrial science and technology innovation paths of typical metropolitan areas worldwide and synthesizes experiences from the aspects of top-level planning and design guidance, innovation community construction for metropolitan, cross-border industrial cooperation zone formation, integration of major national development strategies, optimising the supply of high-quality transport, and strengthening the integration of ecologically integrated planning and construction. Finally, this paper puts forward feasible measures for China’s developmental metropolitan areas to enhance industrial innovation.
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