胡 伟,汪 凯,邹中华.长三角省级区域国家高新区创新资源比较研究 ——兼论安徽省国家高新区发展策略[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2023,38(10):51~58
长三角省级区域国家高新区创新资源比较研究 ——兼论安徽省国家高新区发展策略
Comparative Study on Innovation Resources of the Provincial NationalHigh-tech Zone in the Yangtze River Delta: On the DevelopmentStrategy of the National High-tech Zone in Anhui Province
中文关键词: 沪苏浙皖;国家高新区;区域;创新
英文关键词: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui; National High-tech Zone; region; innovation
基金项目:安徽省科技创新战略与软科学研究项目“安徽省科技创新区域协调发展对策研究——基于安徽省高新区创新能力差异测度”       (202106f01050063)。
胡 伟  
汪 凯  
摘要点击次数: 507
全文下载次数: 341
      长三角一体化高质量发展等国家区域重大战略的加快实施,中部崛起等区域协调发展战略的 扎实推进,都迫切需要国家高新技术产业开发区发挥创新支撑和引领作用。基于长三角国家高新区创新 活动调查统计数据,系统比较了沪苏浙皖三省一市的国家高新区创新人才集聚、创新资金投入、创新主 体培育、国际平台建设和技术合同成交 5 个方面的创新指标情况,分析长三角国家高新区创新发展现状, 针对安徽省国家高新区存在的人才投入创新支撑不足,新型研发机构等创新平台布局不均衡,以及创新 成果转移转化能力较弱等问题,从深度融入长三角区域一体化发展的角度,围绕构建协同创新网络、创 新平台共建共享、打造“升级版”创新共同体和加强政策对接联动等方面提出促进区域创新协调发展 的具体对策。
      The accelerated implementation of national and regional major strategies such as the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta integration, and the solid promotion of regional coordinated development strategies such as the rise of the central region, both urgently require the National High-tech Industrial Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as the National High-tech Zone) to play an innovative support and leading role.Based on the survey and statistical data of the innovation activities of the National High-tech Zone in the Yangtze River Delta, this paper systematically compares the innovation indicators in five aspects of talent concentration, innovation investment, innovation subject cultivation, international platform construction, and technology contract transactions in the National High-tech Zone in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, and analyzes the current situation of the innovation development of the National High-tech Zone in the Yangtze River Delta. In response to the lack of innovation support in talent investment in the National High-tech Zone in Anhui province, the unbalanced layout of innovation platforms such as new research and development institutions, and the weak ability to transform innovation achievements, from the perspective of deep integration into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, specific measures are proposed to promote coordinated regional innovation development, including building a collaborative innovation network, co-building and sharing innovation platforms, creating an upgraded innovation community, and strengthening policy coordination and linkage.
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