谢宗伯,苏 楠.日本经济安全保障战略及其对中国的启示[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2024,39(5):
Japan’s Economic Security Strategy and Its Implications for China
中文关键词: 科技创新;经济安全;重点举措;经验启示
英文关键词: technology and innovation; economic security; key measures; experience enlightment
苏 楠  
摘要点击次数: 238
全文下载次数: 192
      近年来,经济政策的内涵与外延不断泛化,逐渐成为影响国家科技发展与安全的政策工具。 2022 年 5月,日本国会审议并通过了《经济安全保障推进法案》,将从法律和组织机构变革等方面加 快完善经济安全保障战略。聚焦自日本安倍政府以来,与经济安全保障战略相关的政策,以日本经济 安全保障战略的核心法律文件 — 《经济安全保障推进法案》作为重点分析对象。研究发现,日本岸 田内阁在统筹科技发展与安全的基础上,强化了内阁对国家经济安全事务的统一领导,推动日本经济 安全保障战略向法治化、体系化转变,并在完善前沿技术政策体系和防范化解重点领域安全风险等方 面采取了一系列政策实践。
      In recent years, the connotation and extension of economic policy have been generalized, and it has gradually become a policy tool that affects the development and security of national science and technology. In May 2022, the Diet of Japan deliberated and passed the Economic Security and Safety Promotion Act, which will accelerate the improvement of economic security and safety strategy in terms of legal and organizational changes. This paper focuses on the policies related to economic security and safety strategy since the Abe administration in Japan, and takes the Economic Security and Safety Promotion Act, the core legal document of Japan’s economic security and safety strategy, as the key object of analysis. The paper finds that the Kishida Cabinet of Japan, on the basis of integrating scientific and technological development and security, has strengthened the unified leadership of the Cabinet on national economic security affairs, promoted the transformation of Japan’s economic security strategy into a rule of law and systematization, and adopted a series of policy practices in improving the policy system of cutting-edge technology and in preventing and resolving the security risks in key areas.
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