张小奕,魏 巍,彭春燕.日本博士人才培养政策的演进及对中国的启示[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2024,39(5):
Evolution of Japan’s Doctoral Talent Cultivation Policies andTheir Implications for China
中文关键词: 日本;博士人才;人才培养;政策演进
英文关键词: Japan; doctoral talent; talent cultivation; policy evolution
魏 巍  
摘要点击次数: 217
全文下载次数: 192
      通过梳理日本博士人才培养政策的演进历程,重点分析了第六期《科学技术创新基本计划 (2021—2025 年)》中的相关政策,并展望了未来的政策方向。研究发现,日本在初期基本计划中提出 了扩大博士人才规模、加强经济支持和拓宽就业渠道等政策,但由于缺乏相应配套措施,博士生接纳 体制、经济支持和就业问题等并未得到根本解决。随着政策的演进,日本不断细化、量化博士人才培养 目标,强化政策的证据基础,推动形成“规划—执行—评估—改进”的政策闭环。第六期《科学技术创 新基本计划(2021—2025 年)》提出了详细的量化目标,涵盖提升博士后期课程学生待遇、扩大职业发 展路径、创造年轻研究者活跃环境等多个方面,并强调了博士人才政策与基础研究促进政策的一体化。 尽管这些政策具有较强的针对性,但其实际效果仍需在实践中进一步检验和评估。最后提出了日本博 士人才政策对中国的启示,包括加强顶层设计、完善培养体系和质量评价机制、建立健全待遇保障和职 业发展支持政策、支持女性科研人才发展以及加强人才政策的统筹协调等方面。
      This paper reviews the evolution of Japan’s doctoral talent cultivation policies, with a focus on analyzing the relevant policies in the 6th Science, Technology, and Innovation Basic Plan (short for “Basic Plan”) and providing an outlook on future policy directions. It’s found that in the early basic plans, the Japanese government proposed policies such as expanding the scale of doctoral talent, strengthening economic support, and broadening employment channels. However, due to the lack of supporting measures, fundamental issues such as the doctoral student acceptance system, economic support, and employment problems were not resolved. As policies evolved, the Japanese government continuously refined and quantified the goals for doctoral talent cultivation, strengthened the evidence base for policies, and promoted the formation of a policy closed loop of “planning - implementation - evaluation - improvement”. The 6th Basic Plan sets out detailed quantitative targets, covering aspects such as improving the treatment of doctoral students, expanding career development paths, and creating an active environment for young researchers. It also emphasizes the integration of doctoral talent policies with basic research promotion policies. Although these policies are highly targeted, their actual effectiveness still needs to be further tested and evaluated in practice. Finally, this paper proposes the implications of Japan’s doctoral talent policies for China, including strengthening top-level design, improving the cultivation system and quality evaluation mechanisms, establishing and improving treatment guarantee and career development support policies, supporting the development of female scientific research talents, and enhancing the overall coordination of talent policies.
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