尹志欣,由 雷.从高被引科学家看中国顶尖科学人才现状及发展[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2024,39(5):
Current Situation and Development of China’s Top ScientificTalents from Highly Cited Researchers
中文关键词: 顶尖人才;科技人才;高被引科学家
英文关键词: top talent; scientific and technological talent; highly cited researchers
由 雷  
摘要点击次数: 177
全文下载次数: 213
      顶尖科学人才,是自主创新的关键,是不可替代的第一资源。以科睿唯安 2022 年高被引科学 家数据为基础,对中国顶尖科学人才现状与优势、问题与挑战进行分析,研究发现,全球顶尖科学人 才高度集中,中国顶尖科学人才总量与美国差距进一步缩小,学科覆盖有所增加等。但是,中美顶尖科学 人才绝对数量差距较大、中美优势学科差异较大,在生命科学领域与美国差距最大,华人顶尖科学人 才在海外表现较为突出。在此基础上提出提升顶尖科学人才使用效能、培养壮大人才队伍,扬长补短、 实现基础科学领域顶尖人才全覆盖,更加重视生命科学领域、抢占新科技革命制高点,精准合规引才、 建立开放性人才引进长效机制等建议。
      The top scientific and technological talent is the first resources. Based on the data of 2022 highly cited researchers, this paper analyses the status and advantages, problems and challenges of China’s top scientific talents, and finds that: the global top scientific talents are highly concentrated, the gap between the total number of China’s top scientific talents and the United States is further narrowed, and the coverage of disciplines has increased, etc. However, the gap between the absolute number of top scientific talents in China and the U.S. is large; the difference between the superior disciplines in China and the U.S. is large; the gap in the life science field between China and the U.S. is the largest; and the top scientific talents of Chinese are more prominent overseas. On this basis, corresponding suggestions are put forward, such as: enhancing the effectiveness of the use of top scientific talents, cultivating and expanding the talent team, promoting the strengths and complementing the weaknesses, realizing the full coverage of the top talents in the field of basic sciences, attaching more importance to the field of life sciences, seizing the commanding heights of the new scientific and technological revolution, accurately complying with the attraction of talents, and establishing a long-term mechanism for the openness of talent introduction.
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