张 斌,俞 伟.中国科技创新孵化投入产出效率的动态演进 ——基于 DEA-Malmquist 指数的实证分析[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2024,39(11-12):37~48
中国科技创新孵化投入产出效率的动态演进 ——基于 DEA-Malmquist 指数的实证分析
Dynamic Evolution of Input-output Efficiency of Science and Technology Innovation Incubation in China: Empirical Analysis Based on DEA-Malmquist Index
中文关键词: 科技创新孵化;投入产出效率;全要素生产率;DEA-Malmquist 指数
英文关键词: scientific and technological innovation incubation; input-output efficiency; total factor productivity; DEA-Malmquist index
张 斌  
俞 伟  
摘要点击次数: 20
全文下载次数: 20
      采用 DEA-BCC 模型与 Malmquist 指数分析框架,针对 2018—2022 年中国 30 个省份的科 技创新孵化活动,从静态与动态两个维度,详细探究了其投入产出效率的演变轨迹。结果显示,从静态 视角分析,中国科技创新孵化投入产出效率整体仍存在很大的改进空间,呈现“东部 > 中部 > 西部 > 东北”的区域差异特征;从动态视角分析,中国科技创新孵化领域的全要素生产率整体展现出上升趋势, 同时,区域间的差异明显,具体表现为“西部高于中部,中部高于东部,东部又高于东北”的阶梯状特征。 将各省份的科技创新孵化全要素生产率分为 5 种类型,双驱动型省份所占比例最高。因此,中国各地区 科技创新孵化应联动发展,提升科技创新孵化投入产出效率。
      Using DEA-BCC model and Malmquist index analysis framework, aiming at the science and technology innovation incubation activities of 30 provinces in China in 2018-2022, the evolution trajectory of input-output efficiency is explored in detail from both static and dynamic dimensions. The results show that from the static perspective, there is still much room for improvement in the input-output efficiency of scientific and technological innovation incubation, showing the regional difference characteristics of “East> Central> West> Northeast”; From the dynamic perspective, the total factor productivity in China’s scientific and technological innovation incubation shows an upward trend, at the same time, the regional differences are obvious, including “the west is higher than the central, the central is higher than the east, and the east is higher than the northeast”. The total factor productivity of scientific and technological innovation incubation in each province was divided into five types, and the dual-drive provinces accounted for the highest proportion. Therefore, the incubation of scientific and technological innovation in all regions of China should develop jointly to improve the input-output efficiency of scientific and technological innovation incubation.
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