赵 伟 王弋波 白 晨 齐 娜.引入社会资本推动科技资源共享的产权关系分析[J].中国科技资源导刊,2019,(6):36~41,51
Analysis on the Property Right Relationship of Introducing Social Capital toPromote the Sharing of Scientific and Technical Resources
中文关键词: 社会资本;公私合作;科技资源;资源共享;科技资源产权;产权界定
英文关键词: social capital, public-private partnership, scientific and technical resources, sharing, property right, delimitation of property right
赵 伟 王弋波 白 晨 齐 娜 (中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 100038) 
摘要点击次数: 1094
全文下载次数: 852
      近年来,国家先后出台政策提出在科技资源开放共享过程中引入市场化方式,而市场化机制形成的前提就 是产权明晰。本文基于产权理论和引入社会资本的相关理论,对科技资源产权进入共性分析和不同类型科技资源产权 进行特征性分析。并针对不同情境下引入社会资本推动科技资源共享的产权归属进行研究,提出不同主体对科技资源 共享的管理责任,以期为引入社会资本推动科技资源共享的实践提供参考和依据。
      In recent years, the state has issued policies to introduce market-oriented approach in the process of opening and sharing scientific and technical resources, and the premise of the formation of market-oriented mechanism is clear property rights. Based on the theory of property rights and the theory of introducing social capital, this paper analyzes the commonness of science and technology resource property rights and the characteristics of different types of science and technology resource property rights. In order to provide reference and basis for the practice of introducing social capital to promote the sharing of scientific and technical resources, this paper further studies the ownership of property rights in different situations and puts forward the management responsibility of different subjects for the sharing of scientific and technical resources.
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