辛 良 1 张 凯 2 赵红侠 3.高校大型仪器管理研究的文献计量与知识图谱分析[J].中国科技资源导刊,2020,(1):19~26
Research of Large Scale Instruments in Universities Based on Bibliometrics and Mapping Knowledge Domains
中文关键词: 大型仪器设备;CiteSpace;高校;大型仪器管理;科学知识图谱
英文关键词: large scale instruments and equipment, CiteSpace, universities, management, mapping knowledge domains
辛 良 1 张 凯 2 赵红侠 3 (1. 中国矿业大学实验室与设备管理处,江苏徐州 221116;2. 中国矿业大学公共教学服务中心, 江苏徐州 221116;3.中国邮政储蓄银行徐州市分行,江苏徐州 221116) 
摘要点击次数: 1165
全文下载次数: 746
      以中国学术期刊网络出版总库为数据源,运用文献计量方法,对2001—2017年国内高校大型仪器管理研究 的年度发文量、研究机构、研究作者、期刊分布等特征进行定量描述与解释。通过主题及关键词聚类和关键词突显率 分析大型仪器管理研究的演进路径、主要研究内容及研究热点。分析研究发现,国内大型仪器管理研究主题耦合度松 散,作者机构间合作不足,缺少领军人物。提出高校开展大型仪器管理研究应紧跟国家政策导向和科技创新体系建设 要求,结合新技术手段,拓展研究内涵,凝练研究方向,有效提升设备利用率和效益。
      Taking China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database (CNKI) as the data source, this paper uses bibliometric method to quantitatively describe and interpret the overall characteristics of large-scale instrument and equipment management research in domestic universities from 2001 to 2017, such as annual publication volume, research institutions, research author, periodical distribution, etc. It use visualization analysis evolution path, main contents and hotspots of equipment research. The research shows that the research topics of large-scale instruments and equipment management in China are loosely coupled, the cooperation between the authors is insufficient, and there is a lack of leading figures in the industry. It need to closely follow the national policy-oriented and scientific and technological innovation system construction, combined with new technology and means, expand the scope of research, condense the direction of research, effectively improve the utilization rate of instruments and equipment and efficiency.
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