谷 雨1 马 良 2.基于Windows-DEA和Malmquist指数的 医药类高校科研效率分析[J].中国科技资源导刊,2021,(3):24~32,58
基于Windows-DEA和Malmquist指数的 医药类高校科研效率分析
Research on Scientific Research Efficiency of Chinese Medical Universities Based on Windows-DEA and Malmquist Index
中文关键词: 医药类高校;科研效率;Window-DEA;Malmquist指数;效率评估
英文关键词: medical universities, scientific research efficiency, Window-DEA, Malmquist index, performance evaluation
谷 雨1 马 良 2 (1.首都医科大学燕京医学院,北京 101300;2.中国电子学会,北京 100036) 
摘要点击次数: 881
全文下载次数: 931
      运用Window-DEA和DEA-Malmquist法对47所医药类大学2013—2018年科研效率进行测算,并对影响因 素进行分析。研究结果表明,47所高校科研效率整体呈上升趋势,但效率偏低,且存在两极分化现象。其中,东北和 东部沿海地区高校科研效率较高且稳定,长江中游地区长期处于较低水平,南部沿海地区进步最大;医科类大学比中 医药类大学效率高;区域高水平类大学提升迅速,不同办学定位类别间差异呈逐年缩小态势。在此基础上,从完善科 研绩效评价制度、加强人才激励以及找准定位协调发展等角度提出政策建议。
      Using Window-DEA and DEA-Malmquist to calculate the research efficiency and influencing factors of 47 medical universities in 2013-2018. The scientific research efficiency of 47 colleges or universities is generally low, and shows a polarization phenomenon, meanwhile, there is an upward trend; the scientific research efficiency of colleges and universities in the northeast and eastern coastal areas is relatively high and stable; Medical universities are more efficient than traditional Chinese medicine universities; regional high-level universities are improving rapidly in efficiency, while the differences among three types of schools are shrinking year by year. Obviously, the factors that affect the efficiency of scientific research in various universities are different. Therefore, the policy suggestions to revise the scientific research performance, to strengthen talent incentive and to coordinate development are put forward.
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