张一平 桑晓冬 旷 苗 王黎琦 杨 喆 葛 瑶 展 勇.我国生命科学与生物技术领域国家重点研发计划管理思考与建议[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(2):17~23
Thinking and Suggestions on the Management of National Key R&D Programs of China in Life Sciences and Biotechnology
中文关键词: 生命科学;生物技术;国家重点研发计划;科研管理;数据汇交
英文关键词: life science, biotechnology, National Key R&D Program of China, management of scientific research, data collection
张一平 桑晓冬 旷 苗 王黎琦 杨 喆 葛 瑶 展 勇 (中国生物技术发展中心,北京 100039) 
摘要点击次数: 496
全文下载次数: 569
      Life science and biotechnology is related to health and welfare, the national economy and people’s livelihood. China has maintained high-intensity scientific research investment and steadily improved its scientific research capacity. However, some problems exposed in the process of scientific and technical innovation are still worth pondering. As one of the six major science and technology plans, the National Key R&D Program provides continuous support and guidance for the development of life sciences and biotechnology. In order to further accelerate the development of the field of life sciences and biotechnology,accelerate the construction of a strong country, better reflect the supporting and leading role of science and technology program this paper summarizes the current situation and trends of National Key R&D Program in the field of life sciences and biotechnology, digs out the main problems exposed in the implementation process and puts forward relevant suggestions.
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