梁琴琴.美国 NSF 对新兴技术的项目资助模式研究——以软体机器人为例[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(3):60~67
美国 NSF 对新兴技术的项目资助模式研究——以软体机器人为例
Study on NSF’s Project Funding Mode for Emerging Technologies—Take the Soft Robot as an Example
中文关键词: 新兴技术;软体机器人;美国国家科学基金会;项目资助;资助模式
英文关键词: emerging technologies, soft robot, NSF, project funding, funding mode
梁琴琴 (中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 100038) 
摘要点击次数: 443
全文下载次数: 764
      以软体机器人为研究案例,基于美国国家科学基金会(NSF)的项目数据库,分析 NSF 对新兴技术的项目资 助模式和特点。分析维度包括项目资助时间、资助金额、项目类型、资助密度和资助强度。结果表明,NSF 对新兴技术 的项目资助具有全周期、多维度、经费分配合理、持续性强的特点,在资助模式上,项目经费呈现“微笑曲线”变化 趋势,而项目数量的变化则正好相反,即在研究周期的两端采取的是高经费少项目的模式,在中间基础研究采取的是低经费多项目的模式。
      In this paper, soft robot was selected as a research case, the project data was collected from the project database of the National Science Foundation of the United States (NSF), and the NSF’s project funding mode and characteristics of emerging technology were analyzed. Analysis dimensions included project funding time, funding amount, project type, funding density and funding intensity. Results showed that NSF’s project funding for emerging technologies has the characteristics of full cycle, multi-dimensional, reasonable allocation of funds, and strong sustainability. In terms of funding mode, the project funding presented a “smile curve” trend, while the change in the number of projects was just the opposite, that is, at the two ends of the research cycle, the mode of high funding and less projects was adopted, and at the middle, the mode of low funding and more projects was adopted.
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