孙 领 1, 2 张文静 1.后疫情时代下保供物流综合信息平台构建[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(3):68~76
Construction of a Comprehensive Information Platform for Supply Assurance and Logistics in the Post-Epidemic Era
中文关键词: 保供物流;综合物流信息平台;区块链技术;信息整合;新冠病毒感染疫情
英文关键词: supply assurance logistics, integrated logistics information platform, blockchain technology, information integration, COVID-19
孙 领 1, 2 张文静 1 (1. 上海海事大学交通运输学院,上海 201306
2. 复旦大学管理学院,上海 200433) 
摘要点击次数: 366
全文下载次数: 480
      上海在新冠病毒感染疫情封控下应急物资的供应链以及各大电商企业的物流平台展现出“信息孤岛”的弊 端。不同电商平台功能服务不同,信息传输标准不统一,信息难以互联互通。疫情下本身存在物流成本高、保供物资 少、分拣效率低、配送运力浪费等问题,让城市物流体系面临挑战。基于此,整合不同平台的信息,构建疫情保供物流综合信息平台,实现电商企业、第三方物流企业、客户以及政府主管部门之间数据信息的交换共享,提供物流资源 整合方案以及配套措施,以推动后疫情时代下物资的高效流通,助力国内国际双循环建设。
      The supply chain of emergency supplies under lockdown and the logistics platforms of major e-commerce enterprises in Shanghai show the disadvantages of “information island”. Different e-commerce platforms have different functions and services, and information transmission standards are not uniform, making it difficult for information to be interconnected. The epidemic itself presents challenges to the urban logistics system due to high logistics costs, low supplies, low sorting efficiency and wasted distribution capacity. Therefore, it is important to consider the integration of information from different platforms and to build a comprehensive information platform for logistics to protect supplies in an epidemic, so that data and information can be exchanged and shared between e-commerce companies, third-party logistics companies, customers and government authorities, and to provide logistics resource integration solutions and supporting measures. Ultimately, it will promote the efficient flow of materials in the post-epidemic era and help the construction of dual circulation of domestic and foreign markets.
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