左 瑞 1 赵欣韵2.安徽省区域创新能力评价与分析研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(3):77~84,110
Evaluation and Analysis of Regional Innovation Capability in Anhui Province
中文关键词: 安徽省;区域经济;创新能力;评价指标;加权综合评价
英文关键词: Anhui province, regional economy, innovation ability, evaluation index, Weighted Comprehensive Evaluation
基金项目:安徽省科技创新战略与软科学研究专项重点项目“2021 年度安徽省区域创新能力评价与对策研究”(202106f050009)
左 瑞 1 赵欣韵2 (1. 安徽省科学技术情报研究所(省科学技术档案馆),安徽合肥 230091
2. 安徽建筑大学经济与管理学院,安徽合肥 230022) 
摘要点击次数: 462
全文下载次数: 811
      结合现有区域创新研究成果和安徽省区域发展特点,从创新主体、创新投入、创新环境、创新产出和创新 绩效 5 个方面构建安徽省区域创新能力评价指标体系,运用加权综合评价法进行分析。评价结果显示:安徽省区域创 新能力稳步提升,投入拉动效益显著;区域创新格局基本稳定,创新发展路径各具特色;区域发展协调度有所提升, 两极差距不断扩大。在分析安徽省创新能力存在问题的基础上,提出对策建议,为政府决策提供有力参考。
      Combined with the existing research results of regional innovation and the characteristics of regional development in Anhui Province, the evaluation index system of regional innovation ability in Anhui Province is constructed from five aspects: innovation subject, innovation input, innovation environment, innovation output and innovation performance, and the weighted comprehensive evaluation method is used for analysis. The evaluation results show that the regional innovation capability of Anhui Province has been steadily improved, and the investment-driven benefit is remarkable; the regional innovation pattern is basically stable, and the innovative development paths have their own characteristics; the regional development coordination degree has been improved, and the gap between the two poles has continued to widen. At the same time, the research analyzed the problems and causes of innovation ability in Anhui Province, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions, which provided a powerful reference for government decision-making.
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