杜廷霞 闫 峰 程 铭 姜 媛.山东省区域性科技人才资源分析与评价研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(3):85~93
Research on Analysis and Evaluation of Regional Scientific and Technical Tal-ent Resources in Shandong Province
中文关键词: 科技人才资源;人才聚集度;人才竞争力;因子分析;综合评价;人才引育
英文关键词: scientific and technological talent resources; talent concentration degree, talent pool, talent competitiveness, factor analysis, comprehensive evaluation, introduction and cultivation of talents
杜廷霞 闫 峰 程 铭 姜 媛 (山东省创新发展研究院,山东济南 250101) 
摘要点击次数: 458
全文下载次数: 455
      充分挖掘科技人才资源、科学评价科技人才队伍实力,有利于提升“十四五”期间科技人才引育能力。基 于“十三五”期间数据,对科技人才规模、密度、可支配资源等进行统计分析;从科技人才地域分布、人才聚集度出发,构建人才竞争力评价指标体系,运用因子分析法对科技人才资源进行综合评价;基于数据分析,实地调研归纳总 结现有科技人才引育经验做法;分析山东省科技人才引育中存在的问题,提出相应举措。
      Fully tap the resources of scientific and technical talents and scientific evaluation of the strength of scientific and technical personnel and development potential of the existing sci-tech talents is beneficial to promote the ability of attracting sci-tech talents in Shandong Province during the 14th five-year plan period. In this paper, we select the data of sci-tech talents in Shandong Province during the period of “13th five-year Plan”. From the perspective of the scale, density and disposable resources, this paper makes a comprehensive statistical analysis of sci-tech talents in Shandong Province. Based on the distribution characteristics of sci- tech talents and the clustering degree of sci-tech talents, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of sci-tech talents competitiveness, and evaluates the development of sci-tech talents in Shandong by using factor analysis method. On the basis of data analysis, we collected and sorted out the existing policies of science and technology talents cultivation by methods of field investigation. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the training of scientific and technological talents in Shandong Province and puts forward corresponding measures.
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