王 俊 唐丽娟.安徽省人工智能企业创新能力评价研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(3):103~110
Research on Evaluation of Innovation Ability of Anhui Artificial Intelligence High-Tech Enterprises
中文关键词: 人工智能;高新技术企业;创新能力;评价指标体系;因子分析
英文关键词: artificial intelligence, high-tech enterprise, ability to innovate, evaluation index system, factor analysis
基金项目:安徽省科技创新战略与软科学研究专项“安徽省人工智能高新技术企业创新能力研究”(202106f01050070)。 收稿时间:2022 年 9 月 8 日。
王 俊 唐丽娟 (安徽省科学技术情报研究所,安徽合肥 230011) 
摘要点击次数: 397
全文下载次数: 510
      基于安徽省人工智能高新技术企业数据,构建创新能力评价指标体系,采取因子分析法对安徽省人工智能 高新技术企业创新能力进行打分和排序,比较分析人工智能企业创新能力。数据分析结果表明:安徽省人工智能高新 技术企业存在技术领域分布同质化问题;人工智能企业创新能力主要受到研发投入总量、创新支撑、经济活动质量、 专利产出、研发投入质量等 5 个因素影响;安徽省人工智能高新技术企业整体创新能力不足且各企业创新能力间存在 较大的差异。基于以上结论,针对如何提升安徽省人工智能企业的创新水平提出相关建议。
      Based on the data of artificial intelligence high-tech enterprises in Anhui Province, this paper constructs an innovation ability evaluation index system, uses factor analysis to score and rank the innovation ability of AI high-tech enterprises in Anhui Province, and compares the innovation ability of AI high-tech enterprises. The results show that there is a problem of homogenization of technology field distribution in artificial intelligence high-tech enterprises in Anhui province, the main factors include the total amount of R&D investment, innovation support, the quality of economic activities, patent output, and the quality of R&D investment. The overall innovation ability of AI high-tech enterprises in Anhui Province is not very high and there are great differences among the innovation ability of various enterprises. At the same time, relevant suggestions are put forward on how to enhance the innovation level of AI high-tech enterprises.
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