李煊 郭婷婷 马敏象.国际众创空间与孵化器研究热点趋势及其启示[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(4):32~43
International Hacker-space and Incubator Research Hotspot Tendency Analysis and Inspiration
中文关键词: 众创空间;企业孵化器;创业服务平台;CiteSpace;文献计量
英文关键词: hacker-space, incubator, business start-up service platform, CiteSpace, bibliometrics
李煊 郭婷婷 马敏象 (云南省科学技术情报研究院,云南昆明 650051) 
摘要点击次数: 385
全文下载次数: 627
      为探析近年来国际众创空间及企业孵化器领域的研究发展,以 Web of Science 核心数据库中 2018—2022 年收录的众创空间与企业孵化器相关文献为样本,借助 CiteSpace 5.6R 文献计量可视化软件,对文献特征、研究热点主题、研究前沿与趋势等进行分析。研究表明:2018—2022 年间国际众创空间和企业孵化器研究文献保持平稳上升趋势;研究主题有股权众筹、风险资本投资、企业领导力、初创企业创新、各领域孵化器及初创企业转向等。从发展趋势上看,创业成功模式、企业家精神和创业理论最早是主要的热点;随着研究的不断深入和实际应用化,研究主题逐渐聚焦于企业孵化器、初创公司和创业生态系统框架;生态创业系统、创业动态评估及股权集资的研究越来越受关注,已成为未来研究的主要发展方向。
      For exploring the international hacker-space and incubator research hotspots and developing tendency with enlightenment in recent years, this article collects literature samples from Web of Science core database which published for the years 2018—2022 under the topic of hacker-space and incubator, with the bibliometrics and visualization software CiteSpace 5.6R, the literature characteristics, research hotspots and research front with developing tendency are deeply analyzed. The result shows that: during the year 2018-2022, the international literature with topic of hacker-space and incubator is increasing steadily; the six research topics which are equity crowdfunding, venture capital investment, leading proactivity, statups innovation, other incubator and pivoting. A developing tendency is shown that the earlier research hotspots are successful start- up model, entrepreneurship and theory, with the research going deeper and more practical, the incubator, start- up, and entrepreneurial ecosystem framework attracted more and more focus, while the start-up ecosystem, start-up dynamic evaluation and equity crowdfunding become the major research developing directions.
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