周俊杰1 方少亮 1, 2 赵晓萌 1 林珠 1.基于区块链的科技创新平台科学数据管理研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(4):62~72
Research on the Scientific Data Management of Science and Technology Innovation Platform Based on Blockchain
中文关键词: 区块链;科技创新平台;科学数据管理;协同创新;科学数据价值
英文关键词: blockchain, science and technology innovation platform, scientific data management, collaborative innovation, value of scientific data
基金项目:广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目“基于知识链激励和混合区块链协同治理的科技平台运行策略研究” (2019A1515111129);广东省基础与应用基础研究项目“开放式协同创新价值演化与创新激励政策微观效应研究——基于‘十三五’ 期间广东省科技创新平台建设与科学技术奖的实证分析”(2021A1515011968);广东省科技计划项目“广东省科学数据服务管理中心” (2021B1212100002)
周俊杰1 方少亮 1, 2 赵晓萌 1 林珠 1 (1. 广东省科技基础条件平台中心,广东广州 510040
2. 广东省科技基础条件平台建设促进会,广东广州 510040) 
摘要点击次数: 375
全文下载次数: 1513
      Scientific data is not only the original record of scientific research activities, but also the carrier of the value of scientific research results. Managing and utilizing the scientific data of scientific and technical innovation platform can promote the sustainable development of scientific and technical innovation platform system. Firstly, this paper analyzes the value of scientific data management in science and technology innovation platform. Secondly, combining the domestic and international scientific data management status, it puts forward the characteristics and key problems of scientific data management of science and technology innovation platform, analyzes the application logic of blockchain technology in scientific data management of science and technology innovation platform. Finally, it puts forward the problems and suggestions of scientific data management in science and technology innovation platform. The application of blockchain technology in the scientific data management of science and technology innovation platform can exert the value of scientific data so as to improve the development and management level of science and technology innovation platform and form a good collaborative innovation environment.
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