闵晓冬1, 2 王卷乐 2, 4 韩保民 1 袁月蕾 2 段博文 2 邵亚婷 2, 3 李 凯 2, 3.开放科学背景下全球灾害数据共享平台建设与应用的现状分析[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(5):41~52,89
Evaluation of the International Disaster Database under the Open Science Initiative
中文关键词: 开放科学;防灾减灾;数据共享;数据平台;数据评价
英文关键词: open science; disaster risk reduction ; data sharing; data platforms; data evaluation
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目“地球表层系统科学数据挖掘与知识发现关键技术与应用”(2022YFF0711600);中国工程科 技知识中心建设项目“防灾减灾知识服务系统”(CKCEST-2021-2-18)
闵晓冬1, 2 王卷乐 2, 4 韩保民 1 袁月蕾 2 段博文 2 邵亚婷 2, 3 李 凯 2, 3 (1. 山东理工大学建筑工程学院,山东淄博 255049
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101
3. 中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院, 北京 100083
4. 江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,江苏南京 210023) 
摘要点击次数: 397
全文下载次数: 743
      开放的科技资源是全球应急减灾的重要基础支撑条件。联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)于 2021 年年底向全 球公布了开放科学建议,并于 2022 年将防灾减灾领域列为其开放科学实践的重点领域之一。开放数据是开放科学的重 要基础,灾害数据开放共享对于促进全球防灾减灾具有深远影响作用。以灾害数据共享为例,对全球 96 个开放的灾害 数据共享平台进行调研,分析现有灾害数据的全球分布、数据内容、共享程度、开放水平等总体信息。利用全球开放 数据清单指标和 DCAT 元数据评价方法,对应建立灾害领域数据共享平台评价指标,并对其开放共享程度进行对比评 价。基于此,就防灾减灾领域加强开放数据共享等 7 个方面提出启示建议。
      Open scientific and technological resources are an important basic supporting condition for global emergency and disaster reduction. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) published its Open Science recommendations to the world at the end of 2021, and made disaster prevention and mitigation one of its key areas of open science practice in 2022. Open data is an important basis for open science, and open sharing of disaster data has a far-reaching impact on global disaster prevention and reduction. Taking disaster data sharing as an example, this paper conducted a survey on 96 open disaster data sharing platforms around the world, and analyzed the global distribution, data content, sharing degree, openness level and other general information of existing disaster data. Based on the global open data inventory index and DCAT metadata evaluation method, the corresponding evaluation index of disaster data sharing platform should be established, and their openness and sharing degree were compared and evaluated. Finally, seven suggestions on strengthening open data sharing in disaster prevention and reduction are put forward.
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