Research on the Relationship Between Science and Technology Information Institutions and Triple Helix Innovation System in Cyberspace
中文关键词: 科技信息机构;科技信息服务;三螺旋创新系统;网络链接分析;网站内容分析
英文关键词: institute of scientific and technical information, scientific and technical information service, Triple Helix Innovation System, web link analysis, website content analysis
赵康 (中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 100038) 
摘要点击次数: 285
全文下载次数: 235
      在科技创新引领产业升级的时代,科技信息机构同政府、企业、大学及研究机构的关系日益密切。为了解 网络空间中科技信息机构同三螺旋创新系统的关系,更好地提升网络信息服务,在对我国 30 家省级科技信息机构网站 的内容及网络链接进行分析的基础上,利用可视化方法展示这些机构同三螺旋创新系统的关系。研究发现,虽然科技 信息机构同政产学的关系日趋多元化,但科技信息机构的角色仍相对传统,同政府机构的联系最为紧密,企业中联系 最多的是信息服务商,通过地区间比较揭示出科技信息所间的差异性受地缘关系影响。在此基础上,讨论科技信息机 构向智库转型、提供面向市场的科技中介服务、促进协同创新和技术转移的潜在机会,提出推进三螺旋协同创新的网 络信息服务策略。
      In the era of industry upgrading with scientific and technical innovation, relationship of institutes of scientific and technical information with government, enterprise and university have become closer and closer. For understanding relationship of institutes of scientific and technical information with triple helix innovation system in order to provide better web information service, this paper analyses 30 domestic institutes at province level, based on websites content and web links, whose relationship with triple helix innovation system are visualized. The results indicate that, although relationship of institutes of scientific and technical information with government, enterprise and university has become more and more complex, relationship with government is the closest, which is very traditional. Main relationship with enterprise is the contact with those who provide information service. Comparison of regions shows that geographical relation has great impact on institutes’ difference. On this basis, the study discusses the potential opportunities of transforming science and technology information institutions into think tanks, providing market-oriented science and technology intermediary services, promoting collaborative innovation and technology transfer, and puts forward the network information service strategy of promoting triple helix collaborative innovation.
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